August 16, 2013

Free on Friday!

Phheeew what a long day!  I spent lots of time working in my classroom and on my own home!  We finished painting our front door and shutters and trimmed down some branches from trees in our front yard.  It's looking awesome!  Hubby and I are trying to get everything done before I get back to work.  I got a lot done in my classroom(s), but I'm still not finished.  Can't wait to post pics once it's all done!  Our first teacher workday is Wednesday.  Then Monday, the 26th is our first real school day!  This summer has flown by!  As a last minute vacation, we're heading to Myrtle Beach for two nights.  I'm so excited to get away.  We really haven't been on vacation (even a tiny one) in over a year!  It's about a 4 1/2 hour drive, so we'll see if we can manage to keep little Miss Bella occupied.  :)

I've been spending a lot of time getting everything ready for the 26th.  When I worked in my room on Tuesday, I had a little helper tag along.

She had fun painting and playing while I set up my room.  I am going to miss spending my days with this little girl!

So, since it's Friday it's time for another freebie!  I made these little inspiration decorations.  I just added some inspirational words inside blue and red frames that I downloaded off of TPT for free.  Then I cut them out and backed them on black construction paper.  I used those fancy scrapbooking scissors to make a zig zag border.  I just have to laminate them.  Can't wait to hang them in my classroom!  Thank you to for the adorable frames!

These decorations come in a pack of 14.  I also included a large version (1 per page) and a small version (2 per page).  Click here to download these for free!


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